Venezianico NEREIDE TITANIO 泰坦鈦合金機械錶 The Nereide Titanio, inspired by the statue of Atlas in the courtyard of the Doge’s Palace in Venice, celebrates the exceptional lightness and strength of this remarkable material. Its name itself echoes the Titans of Greek mythology, symbols of power and resilience, perfectly embodied by Atlas, a figure of endurance and majesty. The case, precisely finished, combines technical performance with aesthetic refinement, making this watch a tribute to both myth and modernity. Venezianico NEREIDE TITANIO 靈感來自威尼斯總督宮庭院中的 ATLAS 雕像,頌揚了這種卓越材料的卓越輕盈性和強度。NEREIDE TITANIO 本身就與希臘神話中的泰坦巨神相呼應,是力量和韌性的象徵,ATLAS 完美地體現了耐力和威嚴的形象。鈦合金錶殼經過精密加工,將工藝技術性能與精緻希臘美學融為一體,使這款腕錶成為對神話與現代的致敬。 |
Lightweight and Durable 工程、醫療、科技領域不可或缺的鈦合金屬 Our first Titanium model is on its way. Lightweight, durable, and extremely comfortable on the wrist. It is paired with a hybrid strap made of waterproof textile fiber and FKM rubber, a highly resistant material that makes the watch suitable for any situation, even the most challenging ones. 首款鈦合金屬機械錶問世。重量輕、抗腐蝕、柔韌耐用的鈦金屬搭配由防水紡織纖維和 FKM 橡膠製成的獨特材質錶帶,配戴在手腕上極為舒適外,更因鈦金屬絕佳的耐用性,使此款機械錶適合任何情況,甚至是最具運動極限挑戰的境地。 |
「力求完美品質的生產過程」Production process The production of a titanium case begins with the purification of raw metal, which is then transformed into ingots or bars ready for processing. Next, a mold gives the titanium an initial shape, bringing it closer to the desired design. Advanced milling machines shape the titanium with extreme precision. This material, lighter and stronger than steel, requires specialized tools and slower cutting speeds to prevent overheating and preserve its properties. Finally, each case is hand-finished to ensure attention to detail and achieve the desired final appearance. 鈦合金屬錶殼的生產始於原料鈦礦石的純化,然後將其轉化為可加工的鈦錠或鈦棒。高壓高溫的繁複作業賦予鈦金屬進入初始錶型外殼,使其更接近所需的設計。精密的銑床以極高的精確度對鈦進行成型。因為鈦質材比鋼更輕、更堅固,所以需要專門的工具和較慢的切割速度來防止過熱並保持其性能。最後,每個錶殼均經過手工完成,以確保注重細節並達到所需的最終外觀。 |
「精品級的瑞士夜光塗裝」Swiss Super-LumiNova® BGW9 This luminescent pigment, sensitive to sunlight or artificial light, appears white in daylight and, once charged, emits an intense blue-green glow in low-light conditions. Typically used on indices and hands, in this model, it is applied to the entire bezel, ensuring excellent readability even in the absence of light sources. Swiss Super-LumiNova® BGW9 發光顏料對陽光或人造光敏感,在日光下呈現白色,一旦充電,就會在低光源條件下發出強烈的藍綠色光芒。通常用於高端腕錶刻度和指針,在此型號中,Venezianico NEREIDE TITANIO 應用於整個錶圈刻度,即使在沒有光源的情況下也能確保出色的可讀性。 |
「希臘泰坦傳奇」The legend takes shape Titanium, renowned for its lightness and strength, was discovered in 1791 by William Gregor and named in 1795 by Martin Heinrich Klaproth in honor of the Titans of Greek mythology, symbols of power. With the Nereide Titanium, we wanted to pay tribute to this symbolism, drawing inspiration from Atlas, the Titan who holds up the sky, also evoked by the famous statue located in the courtyard of the Doge's Palace in Venice. A direct reference to the strength and resilience that this material represents. 鈦良好的耐高溫、耐低溫、抗強酸、抗強鹼,以及高強度、低密度,常用來製造火箭及太空飛行器,因此獲美譽為「太空金屬」,於 1791 年由英格蘭業餘礦物學家格雷戈爾 William Gregor 發現,並於 1795 年由普魯士化學家 Martin Heinrich Klaproth 以希臘神話中的泰坦(Titans)為其命名 Titanium。我們希望透過 Nereide Titanium 向這種象徵意義致敬,從托起天空的泰坦阿特拉斯 (ATLAS) 中汲取靈感,威尼斯總督宮庭院中的著名雕像也喚起了此系列的核心設計魂,致敬鈦所代表的強度和彈性。 |
「混合尼龍橡膠錶帶」Hybrid Textile-Rubber Strap The Nereide Titanium introduces a significant innovation: a hybrid strap made of waterproof textile fiber and FKM rubber, an extremely durable material that makes the watch suitable for any situation, even the most extreme. The buckle, also crafted in titanium, ensures aesthetic and functional consistency with the case. Nereide Titanium 引入了一項重大創新:由防水紡織尼龍纖維和 FKM 橡膠製成的混合錶帶,這是一種極其耐用的材料,使手錶適合任何情況,甚至是最極端的情況。扣環同樣採用鈦金屬製成,確保與錶殼的美觀和功能一致。 |
BRAND PHILOSOPHY 品牌故事 / 來自義大利威尼斯精品工藝級製錶品牌 |
產品規格 / IT'S ALL IN THE DETAILS ● 機芯 : 瑞士製 Automatic Cal. Sellita SW200-1 機械機芯 ● 腕錶材質 : 鈦合金錶殼 Titanium, 120 clicks ● 鏡面材質 : 抗反光防刮藍寶石水晶玻璃 ● 錶面直徑 : 42 mm ● 防水 : 30 ATM / 300 M ● 夜光刻度 : BGW9 Super-LumiNova® 夜光塗裝 ● 自動上鍊機械錶 / 搭配手動上鍊 ● 錶帶 : 紡織纖維和 FKM 橡膠的混合材質 (寬度 22mm) |
付款方式&到貨時間說明 / SHOPPING DESCRIPTION ● 7-11 取貨付款 : 週一 ~ 週五 下午 12 : 00 前下單,有現貨當天出貨約 3-5 天可收到商品。 |
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